Recently Deborah was requested by David Ward, Headmaster of Bredon School, to carry out an audit of the schools regulatory compliance. Deborah visited the beautiful location in Tewksbury, and spent several days interviewing staff and observing teaching and learning. She met with boarding staff and those responsible for promoting positive behaviour and outstanding relationships. Items such as the PHSE scheme of work; Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS); Health and Safety (H&S); school handbook compliance; staff recruitment and checks on other adults; Complaints and Governance were all evaluated and an action plan formed to ensure that the school was fully compliant for any further inspection.

The Headmaster, David Ward, was extremely impressed with Deborah’s input and requested that she return to carry out a different project, working with the Leadership team on strategic direction and accountability. The group explored different Leadership styles and protocols and examined their own dynamic, as well as how they impact on others and hold staff and pupils to account.

The group were extremely complimentary regarding Deborah’s input and one member stated that as a result of Deborah’s CPD she felt truly inspired and empowered to lead in a way that had hitherto been absent in her career.
We are delighted to say that the school received a follow – up inspection in the week of Deborah’s second visit and was found to be compliant in every way.










Quote from David Ward:
“”The complexity of Inspection with the introduction of new regulatory guidelines requires a wealth of knowledge, not only to understand the effect on policy change but the ability to implement and effectively deliver via the staff to make a difference within the context of a school. Strong leadership enables a skilled team to be created that is accountable for all areas of the school utilising the strengths of each member to ensure effective management. Very often a head knows what they want to do, but to have the professional support of someone as experienced as Deborah Leek-Bailey to draw upon makes decision making easier. Having such professional support enables effective change to take place within a school which is accepted by all stakeholders”.

“Deborah was outstanding and adapted her bespoke programme to fit every aspect of the school’s needs; I would highly recommended Deborah to other schools.” Her knowledge of inspection regulatory compliance was exemplary and Deborah’s ability to engage staff and teach even experienced leaders how to further harness the skills within their own school is something that I would recommend without hesitation. My team felt supported and had renewed enthusiasm and vigour, as a direct result of her input.”

DLB Experience

Early Childhood Education – Pat Preedy

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Bredon School

Recently Deborah was requested by David Ward, Headmaster of Bredon School, to carry out an audit of the schools regulatory...